Discipleship Resource

A Free Discipleship Resource for Pastors

Contenders Discipleship Initiative (CDI) is a free discipleship resource that consists of six college-level Bible courses designed to help students know what they believe, why they believe it, and how to share their faith with others.

Use these courses to train your congregation...

How to study the Word of God effectively.

How to explain their faith.

How to equip other believers for ministry.

Customize to your needs.

As a Course Mentor, you can customize the content and course schedule as well as guide student discussions. Here is an overview of what students will learn:

  • Bibliology and How To Study the Bible
  • Christian Doctrine and Systematic Theology
  • New Testament Survey
  • Old Testament Survey
  • Church History
  • Evangelism, Teaching and Preaching

The entire CDI coursework – the student manuals, Course Mentor manuals, and all lesson videos – are free of charge and available on the CDI website. A few textbooks, which are classic works, accompany each class and are available at minimal cost.

CDI is taught from an evangelical, not denominational-specific, perspective. Click here to review our doctrinal statement.

We believe…

  • The supernatural and plenary inspiration of the Scriptures – that they are inerrant and that their teaching and authority are absolute, supreme, final and complete;
    The trinity of the Godhead – God, the Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit;
  • The personality of God – the personality and deity of Jesus Christ, begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, very God and very Man; the personality of the Holy Spirit;
  • The resurrection of Jesus Christ – that His body was raised from the dead according to the Scriptures, and that He ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God as the believer’s Advocate;
  • The sinfulness of man – that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, are totally depraved and need a Savior from sin;
  • The Atonement – that Jesus Christ became the sinner’s sacrifice before God and died as the propitiation for the sins of the whole world;
  • The necessity of the new birth – salvation is by grace through faith and not of works; saving faith will maintain good works in the life of the believer;
  • The literal resurrection of the body, both of the just and of the unjust;
  • The everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting punishment of the lost;
  • The evangelization of the world – the supreme mission of the church in this age is to preach the gospel to every creature;
  • The second coming of Christ according to Scripture.

The CDI doctrinal statement is fully aligned with the doctrinal statement of Village Missions.

Experience the transformation

Since CDI was launched on this website in 2014, over 1,200 students across the U.S. & Canada – and even around the world – have participated in this program.
Here are a few but powerful ways that CDI has effected lasting change in the lives of believers:

Increase in enthusiasm about studying Scripture on their own.

Increase in people stepping into leadership roles within their church.

Increase in one’s sense of the Lord’s call to ministry.


frank puffer

“CDI is unique because it is designed for a natural relationship between you and those you care for. Beginning with the first class – Bibliology & How to Study the Bible – you will be involved personally with each student. As they study, they will be challenged in many ways. You will come to know them better – what they struggle with, what they believe, what their strengths and weaknesses are. Why? Because they are wrestling with God’s Word and are being trained to do so accurately. We then equip and help them to apply that which the Lord is revealing to them, and thus grow up into the fullness of Christ Jesus, and so in turn be faithful witnesses of the Gospel.”

– Frank Puffer | Village Missionary-Pastor | Land O’ Lakes Bible Church | Wisconsin

“CDI has fostered a love for and knowledge of God’s Word within our congregation. It has effectively challenged our people to study God’s Word in a deeper way, while also equipping them with the skills to do so. In fact, we just hired a new pastor from within our church body who was trained in part through the CDI program. CDI is truly a remarkable tool and a gift to the church for discipleship and leadership development.”

– Dave Bertolini | Lead Pastor | Grace Community Church | Dallas, Oregon

dave bertolini

Get Started

If you are ready to lead your church through a journey of understanding the Scriptures better and training disciples for ministry, then CDI is a great place to start!

  1. [thrive_2step id=’1704′]Enter your email[/thrive_2step] if you would like us to email you all six course syllabi and a video on how to set up a virtual classroom.
  2. Register as a Course Mentor.
  3. Download the Course Mentor’s guidebook for the first class, Bibliology and How To Study the Bible.

We pray that CDI will be a blessing to you and your congregation. May your knowledge of God’s Word grow deeper and your passion for the Lord grow stronger!

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.”
- Jude 3 (ESV)

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