
Mentoring: Equipping for Ministry

The Contender’s Discipleship Program helps believers to not only deepen their faith, but also to become equipped for ministry. This can look like greater leadership within the local church, or even preparation to serve in full-time Christian ministry.

The CDI coursework was initially designed to be used while under the guidance of a Course Mentor in a classroom setting.  However, many of our students are working through the CDI individually online. We suggest that these students find a mature Christian such as their pastor to act as their Course Mentor.

Additionally, for those using the CDI to prepare for full-time Christian ministry, it is important to have a Ministry Mentor.

Ministry Mentors are approved by the CDI and Village Missions to guide students through all aspects of ministry experience. This is essential for those considering application with Village Missions.

studying the bible

Here's What You Need to Know

cdi mentoring

Course Mentor

Each student is responsible to find a Course Mentor. This could be your pastor, Bible study leader, or a mature and knowledgeable Christian whom you trust.

Your Course Mentor provides oversight of your coursework and is responsible for completing a Student Evaluation after you finish each course. This Student Evaluation along with your own Self Evaluation becomes part your Narrative Evaluation. The CDI Narrative Evaluation is the story of your progress through the Contenders Discipleship Initiative and takes the place of a simple transcript.

A course is not considered completed until the Self Evaluation has been submitted.

Certificate of Completion

For those in the United States and Canada only, a Certificate of Completion may be issued after all of the CDI courses have been completed. A Certificate of Completion requires a Course Mentor to have submitted Student Evaluations for all courses.

Once all the documentation has been reviewed, a Certificate of Completion will be sent to you.

bible coursework
vm mentoring

Ministry Mentor

In addition to a Course Mentor, those using the CDI to prepare for full-time ministry will need a Ministry Mentor.

Ministry students need to find a Ministry Mentor sometime after completing the first three CDI courses.

You Ministry Mentor must apply and be approved for this role by the CDI. They will then be registered with the CDI as a Ministry Mentor. It is possible for someone to be both your Course Mentor and a Ministry Mentor.

Want to get mentored or be a mentor?

Serving with Village Missions

Completing the CDI coursework and Ministry Mentorship fulfills the requirements to apply to Village Missions. We suggest application be made after the fourth CDI course is completed.

For those interested in serving with another organization, that organization should be contacted regarding its requirements.

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From Village Missions